Sci-Fi Mug – Wake Up, Watch Sci-Fi, Be Awesome

The second Sci-Fi mug to make it into production was this one,

Wake Up, Watch Sci-Fi, Be Awesome

sci-fi mug - from UKMugShotsAgain, that appealed to my nature and humour and has a similar tone to the earlier released sci-fi mug, “Watch Sci-Fi, Eat, Sleep, Beam Me Up“.

Initially, I have used ‘sci-fi’, which I guess covers a whole range of things that people are interested in, but it occurs to me I ought to also produce mugs that specifically name names like Star Trek, Star Wars and so on because people will be more interested in those. So I will be adding that to the ever-growing list of things to add to mugs.

Sci-Fi Mug Quandry

At first, I quite liked the script font used and shown here on the left. Now I’m not so sure. Should I have used a more movie-type of font, ie one that’s quite blocky and isn’t in italics? I guess time will tell and that means adding yet another sci-fi mug, this time using the same words but a different font.

I don’t know if I’m getting too picky sometimes and whether it’s just the message on the mug that’s important to people or whether the font matters too. Aaaarrgghhh. Who knew that putting a simple message on a mug would be so fraught with so many variables? I’m all in a state of temporal flux LOL.

Must be time to go to bed, wake up, watch sci-fi and be awesome I guess.

See this sci-fi mug and the range of others for yourself here:



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