The First Sci-Fi Mugs for the Store

Having created and set up a number of funny mugs in the humour section of the Store, I wanted to start on my more favoured topic, that of sci-fi, so here is the start of a series of sci-fi mugs.

Star Trek has featured in my life, like many others, for a good few years. I have admired it for the escapism, the ‘technology’ and the continually-evolving story. So it definitely becomes my first port of call in the creation of sci-fi mugs for the Etsy Store. Even now, (but please, don’t tell anyone will you), I am genuinely watching Star Trek Voyager Series 5 Episode 8, ‘Nothing Human’, LOL.

Sci-Fi Mugs – Make It So!

Yea well, it’s my time, my website. So it’s only befitting that the very first sci-fi mug I’ve created it just about that very topic!

Watch Sc-Fi, Eat, Sleep, Beam Me Up

sci-fi mugs from UK Mug Shots

The theme is a common one in the humour section; a do something, eat, sleep, repeat theme.

I thought a ‘watch sci-fi’ theme would fit in here as this is something I would love doing a lot of the time LOL. So a ‘watch sci-fi, eat, sleep’ seemed a good fit. Adding the ‘beam me up’ at the end suggested a way of repeating the whole cycle using a Star Trek phrase.

I don’t think it’s a perfect phrase cycle but I quite like the reference. Of course, whether any visitors will feel the same is yet to be seen.

Let me know what you think of this sci-fi mug. If you like it, I would love if you would click the ‘favourite’ icon – it’s always the heart symbol


at top-right of the sci-fi mugs pictures in the Etsy store. You can use the button below to visit.

Of course, if you have any thoughts or suggestions for sci-fi mugs, I’d love to hear them! Really. Whilst I am engrossed in this topic myself, it’s always good to hear other people’s ideas. Any good suggestions may well get incorporated into the store. A great suggestion may get you a free sci-fi mug winging your way.

See the current range of sci-fi mugs for yourself, you can check out the range here:


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